Monday, January 7, 2013

You Can Do It, We Can Help

Hello men,

On January 6th Pastor Troy gave a great message on diagnosing our spiritual health. It was a very encouraging message of hope, that in Christ we have access to the greatest love, forgiveness, and personal transformation imaginable. If you’re like me, it brought to mind certain things I need to begin doing to build or maintain spiritual health in my life. I know I can do them, but I also know I can’t do them alone.
The men’s ministry has some great options for you as you seek to make 2013 a year of increased spiritual health. I’d like to recommend these…
On Friday mornings we have two men’s classes, Men’s Fraternity and The Man Up Journey. The former is aimed at helping men understand biblical manhood, in other words, what does the Bible say men are to be and do? It also helps men work through critical issues that prevent us from reaching spiritual health. Issues like the Father Wound, the Wounded Heart, and how to effectively work through these in order to reach complete healing. It meets Friday mornings, 6:15, room 152, (enter door 4, walk through the Commons). Just show up, all materials are provided.
The latter, is an introductory class on what the Bible says about the man, Christ Jesus, and how that informs our lives as men. If you’ve always struggled with understanding the Bible, and therefore struggled with applying its message to your life, then this would be a great place for you! It meets Friday mornings, 6:15, room 209 (just above door 4). Just show up, all materials are provided.

If you know that your next step needs to be finding accountability and encouragement from other men you’re not alone! “The man without a small group is a moral disaster waiting to happen.” We have men’s groups meeting all throughout the week, mornings, evenings, and weekends. Apply online – look for the application under ministry downloads.

Lastly, if you sense the need for a mentor in your life, someone who has more life experience and a longer walk with the Lord you’re not alone. Many men yearn to have a ‘spiritual father’ who can speak into their lives, especially when life gets difficult and we feel directionless. We have men available, with a heart to walk alongside the next generation of men.  You can find an application to be mentored on the men’s website. Many of these relationships already exist within our men’s ministry and we look forward to creating many more!

Make 2013 a year of significant spiritual growth, you can do it! We can help!

Pastor Mac

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